Educational workshops
Theatre and pedagogy are closely related fields. Theater can easily consist a tool in the hands of the educator to make his class, using theater techniques. As a result the class will become more agreeable and effective. So, the pedagogy workshops are addressed to educators and they focus upon how to use the theater process, story telling / narration, creative play etc in education and especially in teaching. The different forms, such as role-playing, creative learning, drama in education, cognitive & experiential & sentimental participation become offerings to the teacher. Learning and understanding through drama, assimilation of the cognitive objects through the theater are channels through which knowledge can pass and be assimilated by the students much better than memorizing. The participants of these workshops approach Creative Learning and Drama in Education so as the class to function in a happy, careless and most of all creative atmosphere. Such a learning process is liberating for the children (and the teacher) and not something mandatory forced by the Adults.