Stage design department
CENTER OF HIGHER EDUCATION IN THEATER STUDIES invites you to engage with contemporary ideas and research within the field of theatre, performance and entertainment.
The theater action and the stage space is the objects of the Stage designing workshops. A classical theater text became the motive for a detailed approach of the era costume and fashion habits of the people. Thus Shakespeare, Moliere, Ibsen and most modern writers is the starting point to examine an entire era and society. As a freelance theatre and production designer the course will develop your skills and approach to collaboration, technology and storytelling. Theatre is unquestionably a collaborative art form and, as such, collaboration lies at the heart of each project on this course, whether speculative or realised. The course will train you to become a theatre and production designer who makes dynamic, innovative environments that connect your audience to the performance. We will prepare you to contribute to the continuing development of the performance space as a place for social interaction and debate. With a strong emphasis on live, real-time performance, you will learn skills related to organising and developing effective models for delivery.